Monday, May 22, 2006

And the story continues...

Hmmm. That was a long wait, before you said hi. It's like this everytime, I yearn for it like that's what I am online for. Now you don't talk again. Oh well, you logged off, got disconnected, whatever.
For some reason, I don't want to ask you anything today, tomorrow forever. Like it feels, what sense does it make at all. What's the point of anything? What's the reason we keep in touch? Friendship? I don't know, that somehow has been clouded by the other feelings that we have for each other. The feelings that go beyond the point of friendship. And there wasn't any deep friendship before all this. Yea, admit you were there before in my life as a friend before you proposed but then some how I feel all the conversations, all the emails before that from you were just biased somehow. Or maybe the other way round. Who cares now. Just who cares.

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