Thursday, April 26, 2007

Stressed out

And so here I was running a search on google "how to deal with stress at school". Got something interesting here,
"Avoid extreme reactions:
Why hate when a little dislike will do? Why generate anxiety when you can be nervous? Why rage when anger will do the job? Why be depressed when you can just be sad?"

Don't know if I am to call it optimistic or pessimistic or just pratical.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Motorcycle Diaries

Was like a breath of fresh air. Of all the messages that the movie carried with it, their journey out in the open roads just reminded me of what I am missing. Coming back from NYC, I thought, yeah I got to go back there again, jump into the sea of people, live the life, drown in the sights and the sounds. But maybe not. I yearn to be able to look at nature, once again, the hills and the mountains, the valleys and the gorges, the meadows and the deserts... Breathe in the nature into my soul one more time, feel alive again...

Saturday, April 07, 2007

If it doesn't, maybe it shouldn't

There was no need for all this right now. I mean, yeah am bummed that you could forget my birthday, but there was no need for a lie to cover it up. You have just made it worse.
Agreed, I am making too big of a deal out of it, but I am disappointed.

"If it doesn't matter to you, then maybe it shouldn't matter to me..."

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Of what could have beens...

With each passing day, I can't but stop and let these thoughts flood my mind. All the what could have beens. Is there something I could have done before, that would have made my present any different from how it is now? The helplessness of my situation, am I wrong to let my mind drift away from my present to my past or even worse my current uncertain relationship? What I have brought upon myself is mostly my fault, however much I'd like to find someone else who can take the blame.
Why do your future and your present ask you to let go of your past? Why don't they understand, I am what I am because of it, for better or for worse.